Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kids say the darnest things!

This has become a close race for the presidential candidates. And as some of you already know my sister Roxie and I don't meet eye to eye. Many of the commercials we are seeing today have one of the candidates pleading there case so my kids hear this a lot....I approved this message. Last night when we were watching TV, Teagen says I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message, laughter was through out our house. We needed to tape this and of course we needed to add a sign for fun, so enjoy our clip...Maybe this will be used in the future.....what do you say Auntie Roxie!


Anonymous said...

Way to Go!! That's really cute... And I, too, approve the message! Although it's Obama I approve of most - ha ha!

Lots O'Love,
Dad & Kathy

Jill A. Johnson said...

I appove it tooooo... Roxie 4 Pres... yesssssssssss... LOL

Teagen you did a really great job... I am thinking maybe you should run for President as soon as you can... so make sure you find out what the rules are to run so you can have it all in order by the time you can... hugggggggggs... :)

Roxie said...

Yes, that was a super cute video!! You guys rock but Obama sure doesn't!! :)