Wednesday, October 21, 2009

9 Days

Here is a pic from our trip to a pumpkin farm with Teagen's class

As some of you might know I'm going to be unemployed in just 9 days! I'm truly sad to see my job come to an end but, as all good things they can't always last forever! Well I'm going to take this time off to enjoy my kids and spending more time with them will be a great change here. I'm also looking at what I will be able to do now that my 45+ hour a week job took from me will allow me to do!!! I'm going to love being able to help out at school, taking the boys to school everyday and picking them up will be so nice. Being able to lay Baylee down for her afternoon nap and sing her a song will be so nice. My kids have cried when I leave and beg me not to go to work so it will be so nice to say Mommy is off today!!! And yes everyday after that. Not sure if the stay at home mom is really me but, I'm looking forward to this time. I really do enjoy working and I really did have a dream job and to see that go has been hard for me but I've had almost 2 months to adjust to the new change!!!! So wish me luck and look forward to more time for my blog entries!

1 comment:

Beth H said...

looking forward to hearing all about it....and for you to have time with those kiddos before they are all grown up!