Monday, November 09, 2009

Home with the kids!!!

Here is a pic of Scott with Spencer and Baylee on our hayride with school!!!

Yes its true!!! It has been an entire week that I've been home with the kids! I'm enjoying my time home and getting so many things done around the house. Last week I got the house in order both in the living areas and the kids room upstairs. This week I'm looking forward to getting the basement in order and get some organizing done.

The kids still ask me almost everyday if I have work, its going to take awhile for them to get used to me being home on a regular basis.

It has been nice to be able to pick them up at school each day and enjoy lunch together. It also nice to be able to make supper and eat before 5:30 each day.

I enjoy being able to read books with the kids or sit down and play ponies with Baylee. This time together is so nice. I'm really enjoying it!!! I'm also looking forward to keeping up on my blog again!!!

1 comment:

Roxie said...

Yes, you need to stay up to date on your blog. We're missing all the family pics and stuff!